Title: Mikey Says 'I Can Do It'
Sub-Title: Personal Development for Children Series - Overcoming Limiting Beliefs - With supporting notes for parents / teachers and children
Authors: Amal & Santa Simothy, Hitul & Seema Thobani
Illustrator: Anca Budeanu
ISBN: 978-0-9563260-2-7
Publisher: Kidz4mation
Genre: Fiction / Children
Presentation: Soft cover, illustrated and plastic coated
In this booklet, Mikey overcomes his fears and doubts about climbing to and playing on the top branches of his friend Tiggle, where his other friends Jake and Louie. Mikey wants to follow them but is afraid and overcome with self doubts. His friend Genie comes as usual to Mikey's rescue and teaches Mikey the power of thoughts and beliefs and how negative thoughts can be overcome by positive beliefs. Here is a short excerpt from that booklet:
"So Genie, are you saying that it would help me if I told myself that I could climb to Tiggle's top even if I felt that I couldn't?" asked Mikey.
"Yes Mikey!" replied the Genie. "When you do that, you will feel happy. That's when the magic inside you starts to happen!" JUST FEEL THE MAGIC AND TELL YOURSELF YOU CAN DO IT!"
Well, as expected Mikey believes in his friend Genie and through the positive affirmations, starts feeling better and climbs to the top of Tiggle to join and play with his friends.
The printing and the illustrations are of the same standard as the other booklets in the series.
I was wondering about the need for this particular booklet and how it is different from the other booklets "Mikey Helps Toot-Toot" and "Mikey Aces His Test" since those booklets also deals with self doubts and the power of positive thinking and positive affirmations. To the children, of course, it is another story and helps reinforce the concept.
Recommended for children and their care givers.
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