Title: Chik-Chick's Cap
Sub-Title: Personal Development for Children Series - Raising Self Esteem - With supporting notes for parents/teachers and children
Authors: Amal & Santa Simothy, Hitul & Seema Thobani
Illustrator: Anca Delia Budeanu
Publisher: Kidz4mation
ISBN: 978-0-9563260-5-8
Illustrator: Anca Delia Budeanu
Publisher: Kidz4mation
ISBN: 978-0-9563260-5-8
Presentation: Soft cover, illustrated and plastic coated
This particular booklet is on the theme of accepting oneself, having a good self image and raising one's self esteem where needed. Chik-Chik the rabbit has one ear missing and felt that she was ugly and tried to hide her problem by wearing a cap. However, Pari, the peacock, school friend Mikey, the monkey and Tiggle the tree help her accept herself by accepting her as their friend.
This particular booklet is on the theme of accepting oneself, having a good self image and raising one's self esteem where needed. Chik-Chik the rabbit has one ear missing and felt that she was ugly and tried to hide her problem by wearing a cap. However, Pari, the peacock, school friend Mikey, the monkey and Tiggle the tree help her accept herself by accepting her as their friend.
The printing is excellent - colorful, eye catching, on good art paper, plastic coated to withstand little grimy hands! The illustrations are good. Contrast between the background illustrations and the text could be better (through a different selection of shades and colors probably).
The authors rightly bring out the importance of having a good self image and the need for self acceptance. The book helps children and parents, friends etc. to appreciate how they can help raise the self esteem and thus help those in need.
Recommended for children and their care givers.
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