Friday, December 07, 2007

Title: The Journey to a pain relief - A hands on guide to breakthroughs in pain treatment

Author: Phyllis Berger

Publisher: Hunter House Publishers

ISBN: 978-0-89793-469-5

Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Pain Management

The book is both a complete handbook of pain-management options and a detailed introduction to specific cutting-edge techniques. The physiology of pain, the effects of fear, stress and worry, and the importance of the right attitudes that help you in
tapping the body's ability to heal.

Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, magnetotherapy, homeopathy, herbal treatments, prayer, TENS, Electropuncture, Modified Direct Current treatment methods etc. are covered.

The author is a qualified physiotherapist and acupuncturist. She has considerable personal experience with the methods described while trying to get healed from pain.

The book has a very good preface and 12 Chapters on various topics, followed by 3 Appendices, End Notes, Glossary, recommended reading, Resources and an Index. Thus it is a comprehensive manual of pain management and will be useful for patients, care givers and health professionals too. Chapter 3 (Patient, Heal Thyself), Chapter 6 (The Pain Pathways), Chapter 10 (Multimodal Approaches to Chronic Pain) and Chapter 12 (Coping Skills) are especially useful. Other chapters deal with specific techniques like Acupuncture, Electricity in pain management etc.

I would have liked to see Reiki and similar energy healing techniques also discussed, since from my personal experience as a healer, I can attest to their effectiveness.

The book is very useful for sufferers and caregivers alike and is strongly recommended.

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