Title: The Sinatra Solution - Metabolic Cardiology
Author: Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D, F.A.C.C.
Publisher; Basic Health Publications Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-59120-158-8
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health
This book is a really welcome addition to the growing field of metabolic cardiology (the role of food nutritional supplements to improve heart health - not a dictionary definition).
Author's Biography: The author Stephen T. Sinatra is a Board Certified Cardiologist, a certified bio-energetic psychotherapist and a certified nutrition and anti-aging specialist. At his practice in Manchester, Connecticut, USA, he integrates conventional medicine with complementary nutritional and psychological therapies to help heal the heart. He is an assistant clinical professor at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and is the author of several books, including Optimum Health, Heartbreak and Heart Disease, Heart Sense for Women, and Eight Weeks to
Lowering Blood Pressure.
About the book: The book gives detailed information, backed by many case studies and other published research papers the role of Coenzyme Q10, L-Carnitine, D-Ribose and Magnesium in maintaining and improving heart health and also diseases of the peripheral blood vessels, muscles and conditions like Fibromyalgia etc.
The introduction by Dr. James C. Roberts, M.D, F.A.C.C. is really excellent and gives a good idea of the subject. Chapter 8 and the Conclusion also are helpful in allowing you to decide whether the book will be helpful for you. Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7 deal with the four supplements in detail. The book has a glossary, Resources, References and an Index.
An excerpt: In congestive heart failure (CHF), like other cardiovascular and many other disease syndromes, the actual root causes can be quite varied, from weakened heart muscle, to overly tight or overly loose heart valves, and so on. And while it is definitely appropriate that cardiologists (and other medical practitioners) use the conventional drugs mentioned to treat CHF - because they work - consideration toward adding powerful nutritional supports like L - Carnitine, coenzyme Q10, and D-Ribose is equally judicious.
Only by adding the these three nutritional supports will practitioners be treating symptoms as well as directing nutrition to the cellular level, where it can make a real difference on the underlying pathology. I have watched from the side lines as the simple addition of these nutrients has affected my patients' quality of life most positively... and has even helped them live longer than expected with their heart conditions.
(From Pages 93 and 94, Chapter 5)
End of the excerpt
I would suggest that you check out the Introduction, the Chapter 8 (Sinatra Solution) and the Conclusion.
About Writing, Editing and Printing: Very good. The subject is very difficult to explain in layman's language but the author and editors tried their best. Printing is very good.
For whom the book is meant: Patients and their care givers. Many health professionals will find this a good handy guide to the field.
Recommendation: An excellent buy for preventive and maintenance care of the heart and general health. Will make an excellent gift to your family members, friends and their cardiologists and of course to yourself too!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Title: Laughing Sickness A Medical Mystery
Author: Anne Black Gray
Publisher: Bridgeway Books
ISBN: 978-1-933538-93-8
Genre: Fiction/Medical Mystery
The author grew up in semi-rural West Virginia, studied physics at Carnegie Mellon and then migrated to Southern California for a career in Aerospace Engineering. After retiring, she too up her second career (novel writing) at the same time that she was learning of the plight of victims of rare, hard-to-diagnose diseases. The needs of these patients became the inspiration for this, her first novel. The subject is very interesting and has been dealt with beautifully. It indeed reads like a good mystery and the reader is certainly kept waiting for the final diagnosis and to know how the patient fares.
The book gives the reader a good tour through the modern medical system, as experienced by Jessica Shepperd, the heroine of this novel, a sufferer from a hard-to-diagnose illness. She finds that when confronted with the apparently solvable problem, doctors who usually speak with science-backed authority can become irritable, evasive, dismissive and doubtful of the patient's mental soundness. If they can't find a physical reason, "it must be all in her head!" sums up the attitude of some of them.
Her illness changes her relationships with many, and she breaks up with her boyfriend, a doctor himself and who is a control freak. Jessica, on the other hand is obsessed with individual freedom. After a series of wrong diagnoses and after going on long disability leave (which affects her financially), she finally gets the right diagnosis (cataplexy) and hope is rekindled that the right treatment will enable her to lead an almost normal life. She also finds that she can write her experiences well and share with other sufferers. She also finds other people suffering similar problems and enjoys the friendship.
One small excerpt from the book:
Laughter and tickling inevitably cause attacks in over ninety percent of cataplectics.
Like her. May be all her life. When she was a little girl, if someone tickled her or told a joke, she fell. That could have been a precursor to her present condition.
She found little information on the physiology or neurology of cataplexy. It was simplistically described as a mistake, in conjunction with with narcolepsy, where the brain believes it's asleep and dreaming and, just as in normal dreaming, inhibits the body's ability to move. She read that narcolepsy and cataplexy are thought, but as yet not proven, to be autoimmune or autoinflammatory. Nothing was mentioned about sensations of switches flipping in the brain. Or about collapses after acceleration or deceleration.
End of the excerpt.
The books is extremely well written and beautifully printed. The style is engrossing and the suspense is kept up. I could put down the book only with a lot of difficulty and finished the book in 2 or 3 days. There is a lot of useful information about many medical conditions and diagnostic procedures. At the same time, it is entertaining too.
All in all, an excellent read.
Author: Anne Black Gray
Publisher: Bridgeway Books
ISBN: 978-1-933538-93-8
Genre: Fiction/Medical Mystery
The author grew up in semi-rural West Virginia, studied physics at Carnegie Mellon and then migrated to Southern California for a career in Aerospace Engineering. After retiring, she too up her second career (novel writing) at the same time that she was learning of the plight of victims of rare, hard-to-diagnose diseases. The needs of these patients became the inspiration for this, her first novel. The subject is very interesting and has been dealt with beautifully. It indeed reads like a good mystery and the reader is certainly kept waiting for the final diagnosis and to know how the patient fares.
The book gives the reader a good tour through the modern medical system, as experienced by Jessica Shepperd, the heroine of this novel, a sufferer from a hard-to-diagnose illness. She finds that when confronted with the apparently solvable problem, doctors who usually speak with science-backed authority can become irritable, evasive, dismissive and doubtful of the patient's mental soundness. If they can't find a physical reason, "it must be all in her head!" sums up the attitude of some of them.
Her illness changes her relationships with many, and she breaks up with her boyfriend, a doctor himself and who is a control freak. Jessica, on the other hand is obsessed with individual freedom. After a series of wrong diagnoses and after going on long disability leave (which affects her financially), she finally gets the right diagnosis (cataplexy) and hope is rekindled that the right treatment will enable her to lead an almost normal life. She also finds that she can write her experiences well and share with other sufferers. She also finds other people suffering similar problems and enjoys the friendship.
One small excerpt from the book:
Laughter and tickling inevitably cause attacks in over ninety percent of cataplectics.
Like her. May be all her life. When she was a little girl, if someone tickled her or told a joke, she fell. That could have been a precursor to her present condition.
She found little information on the physiology or neurology of cataplexy. It was simplistically described as a mistake, in conjunction with with narcolepsy, where the brain believes it's asleep and dreaming and, just as in normal dreaming, inhibits the body's ability to move. She read that narcolepsy and cataplexy are thought, but as yet not proven, to be autoimmune or autoinflammatory. Nothing was mentioned about sensations of switches flipping in the brain. Or about collapses after acceleration or deceleration.
End of the excerpt.
The books is extremely well written and beautifully printed. The style is engrossing and the suspense is kept up. I could put down the book only with a lot of difficulty and finished the book in 2 or 3 days. There is a lot of useful information about many medical conditions and diagnostic procedures. At the same time, it is entertaining too.
All in all, an excellent read.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Title: The Journey to a pain relief - A hands on guide to breakthroughs in pain treatment
Author: Phyllis Berger
Publisher: Hunter House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-89793-469-5
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Pain Management
The book is both a complete handbook of pain-management options and a detailed introduction to specific cutting-edge techniques. The physiology of pain, the effects of fear, stress and worry, and the importance of the right attitudes that help you in
tapping the body's ability to heal.
Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, magnetotherapy, homeopathy, herbal treatments, prayer, TENS, Electropuncture, Modified Direct Current treatment methods etc. are covered.
The author is a qualified physiotherapist and acupuncturist. She has considerable personal experience with the methods described while trying to get healed from pain.
The book has a very good preface and 12 Chapters on various topics, followed by 3 Appendices, End Notes, Glossary, recommended reading, Resources and an Index. Thus it is a comprehensive manual of pain management and will be useful for patients, care givers and health professionals too. Chapter 3 (Patient, Heal Thyself), Chapter 6 (The Pain Pathways), Chapter 10 (Multimodal Approaches to Chronic Pain) and Chapter 12 (Coping Skills) are especially useful. Other chapters deal with specific techniques like Acupuncture, Electricity in pain management etc.
I would have liked to see Reiki and similar energy healing techniques also discussed, since from my personal experience as a healer, I can attest to their effectiveness.
The book is very useful for sufferers and caregivers alike and is strongly recommended.
Author: Phyllis Berger
Publisher: Hunter House Publishers
ISBN: 978-0-89793-469-5
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Pain Management
The book is both a complete handbook of pain-management options and a detailed introduction to specific cutting-edge techniques. The physiology of pain, the effects of fear, stress and worry, and the importance of the right attitudes that help you in
tapping the body's ability to heal.
Physiotherapy, Acupuncture, magnetotherapy, homeopathy, herbal treatments, prayer, TENS, Electropuncture, Modified Direct Current treatment methods etc. are covered.
The author is a qualified physiotherapist and acupuncturist. She has considerable personal experience with the methods described while trying to get healed from pain.
The book has a very good preface and 12 Chapters on various topics, followed by 3 Appendices, End Notes, Glossary, recommended reading, Resources and an Index. Thus it is a comprehensive manual of pain management and will be useful for patients, care givers and health professionals too. Chapter 3 (Patient, Heal Thyself), Chapter 6 (The Pain Pathways), Chapter 10 (Multimodal Approaches to Chronic Pain) and Chapter 12 (Coping Skills) are especially useful. Other chapters deal with specific techniques like Acupuncture, Electricity in pain management etc.
I would have liked to see Reiki and similar energy healing techniques also discussed, since from my personal experience as a healer, I can attest to their effectiveness.
The book is very useful for sufferers and caregivers alike and is strongly recommended.
Title: Supercharging Quantum Touch - Advanced Techniques
Author: Alain Herriott
ISBN: 978-1-55643-654-3
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Healing/Bodywork
Quantum Touch has become quite popular in the recent years and I was somewhat familiar with the topic but did not really know much about it. So, when an opportunity came to review the book, I was very much interested. The preface by Richard Gordon puts the whole book in the right perspective. The ability to sense the energy in one's own body or other is the key to the success of QT healer.
Mary Derr has also contributed to the development of some of the techniques and the whole subject has been presented in an interesting and easy-to-follow way by Alain Herriott. But you would first need a good exposure to the Quantum Touch method and the best way is to use the Quantum-ouch Interactive Video Workshop Package and get some hands on experience of the technique.
A small excerpt from the book:
Imagine a piece of flexible fabric, similar to the ribbing of a sock or cloth with an expandable weave that fits snugly. You can imagine it like an energetic "Ace" bandage. The woven mesh is made up of the basic building block colors: Copper, Silver, and Gold. This elastic light bandage blankets the area of the body where you hold the U-NAN pattern to maximize the healing effect in that area, making it last longer and affect the tissue at a deeper level. You can wrap the area internally, externally, or both. Visualize the are wrapped in this woven pattern and then "shrink wrap it" or make the bandage, snug, but not too tight.
Tip: The flexible body parts, like an elbow, should be wrapped more loosely to allow for greater movement. A disc or a vertebra, however, is not very flexible; therefore wrap it somewhat thickly, above and below the injury site. This gives added support to the weakened area. The same rule applies to broken bones.
End of the Excerpt.
I hope you get a good idea of the book from that. I was taught some similar techniques in my Reiki Classes (Reiki Surgery and similar techniques). I enjoyed going through the book.
The editing and printing of the book is very good.
All in all, it would be a good addition to QT practitioners and others interested in energy healing work.
I have no hesitation to recommend this book strongly along with other resources given at the end of the book. See www.quantumtouch.com and www.thelifeforceproject.org
Author: Alain Herriott
ISBN: 978-1-55643-654-3
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Healing/Bodywork
Quantum Touch has become quite popular in the recent years and I was somewhat familiar with the topic but did not really know much about it. So, when an opportunity came to review the book, I was very much interested. The preface by Richard Gordon puts the whole book in the right perspective. The ability to sense the energy in one's own body or other is the key to the success of QT healer.
Mary Derr has also contributed to the development of some of the techniques and the whole subject has been presented in an interesting and easy-to-follow way by Alain Herriott. But you would first need a good exposure to the Quantum Touch method and the best way is to use the Quantum-ouch Interactive Video Workshop Package and get some hands on experience of the technique.
A small excerpt from the book:
Imagine a piece of flexible fabric, similar to the ribbing of a sock or cloth with an expandable weave that fits snugly. You can imagine it like an energetic "Ace" bandage. The woven mesh is made up of the basic building block colors: Copper, Silver, and Gold. This elastic light bandage blankets the area of the body where you hold the U-NAN pattern to maximize the healing effect in that area, making it last longer and affect the tissue at a deeper level. You can wrap the area internally, externally, or both. Visualize the are wrapped in this woven pattern and then "shrink wrap it" or make the bandage, snug, but not too tight.
Tip: The flexible body parts, like an elbow, should be wrapped more loosely to allow for greater movement. A disc or a vertebra, however, is not very flexible; therefore wrap it somewhat thickly, above and below the injury site. This gives added support to the weakened area. The same rule applies to broken bones.
End of the Excerpt.
I hope you get a good idea of the book from that. I was taught some similar techniques in my Reiki Classes (Reiki Surgery and similar techniques). I enjoyed going through the book.
The editing and printing of the book is very good.
All in all, it would be a good addition to QT practitioners and others interested in energy healing work.
I have no hesitation to recommend this book strongly along with other resources given at the end of the book. See www.quantumtouch.com and www.thelifeforceproject.org
Title: The Foundations of Shiatsu
Author: Chris Jarmey
Publisher: Lotus Publishing, North Atlantic Books
ISBN: 978-1-55643-639-0
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Massage
I have only heard of the word Shiatsu but had no idea of what was involved. However, as a healer, I was certainly interested in knowing a little about the technique and I was thus happy when this book came to me for a review.
What is Shiatsu? Shiatsu is a Japanese bodywork therapy - a natural healing discipline from the same ancient oriental medicine principles as acupuncture. Shiatsu works by stimulating the body's vital energy flow in order to promote good health. The practitioner uses palms, thumbs and fingers, elbows, and even knees and feet to apply pressure and stretching to the energy lines known as channels or meridians. Thus it is also similar to acupressure, Sujok and Reflexology.
A short excerpt (Page 65)
Two-hand Connection
The techniques that have the most profound effects upon the receiver's Ki are those that involve having both hands in contact with the receiver's body. The hands are your most sensitive Ki imbalance detectors and Ki projectors. Therefore it stands to reason that two hands should be twice as effective as one hand. Two hands are even more effective if they are separated while in contact, rather than one overlapping the other. ......
End of the excerpt.
It is somewhat similar to the hands-on healing practised by Reiki practitioners.
The book covers the theory and practice of Shiatsu. Also, a comprehensive overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as applied to basic shiatsu completes the picture.
The author Chris Jarmey is the Course Director / Principal of the European Shiatsu School.
I confess that I or for that matter any one else cannot become a Shiatsu healer by simply reading the book, excellent as it is. The practical work has to be learnt by working with a Master like Chris.
But if you are interested in learning the technique, you would get a good idea of what is involved by reading the book and thus this book is a good investment and helps you decide whether it is for you.
If you are a massage therapist, an acupuncturist or acupressurist etc., you may consider adding the techniques taught in this book to your practice.
The book is edited and printed beautifully and the number of photos are add a lot of value to the text.
Strongly recommended.
Author: Chris Jarmey
Publisher: Lotus Publishing, North Atlantic Books
ISBN: 978-1-55643-639-0
Genre: Non-Fiction/Health/Massage
I have only heard of the word Shiatsu but had no idea of what was involved. However, as a healer, I was certainly interested in knowing a little about the technique and I was thus happy when this book came to me for a review.
What is Shiatsu? Shiatsu is a Japanese bodywork therapy - a natural healing discipline from the same ancient oriental medicine principles as acupuncture. Shiatsu works by stimulating the body's vital energy flow in order to promote good health. The practitioner uses palms, thumbs and fingers, elbows, and even knees and feet to apply pressure and stretching to the energy lines known as channels or meridians. Thus it is also similar to acupressure, Sujok and Reflexology.
A short excerpt (Page 65)
Two-hand Connection
The techniques that have the most profound effects upon the receiver's Ki are those that involve having both hands in contact with the receiver's body. The hands are your most sensitive Ki imbalance detectors and Ki projectors. Therefore it stands to reason that two hands should be twice as effective as one hand. Two hands are even more effective if they are separated while in contact, rather than one overlapping the other. ......
End of the excerpt.
It is somewhat similar to the hands-on healing practised by Reiki practitioners.
The book covers the theory and practice of Shiatsu. Also, a comprehensive overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as applied to basic shiatsu completes the picture.
The author Chris Jarmey is the Course Director / Principal of the European Shiatsu School.
I confess that I or for that matter any one else cannot become a Shiatsu healer by simply reading the book, excellent as it is. The practical work has to be learnt by working with a Master like Chris.
But if you are interested in learning the technique, you would get a good idea of what is involved by reading the book and thus this book is a good investment and helps you decide whether it is for you.
If you are a massage therapist, an acupuncturist or acupressurist etc., you may consider adding the techniques taught in this book to your practice.
The book is edited and printed beautifully and the number of photos are add a lot of value to the text.
Strongly recommended.
Title: The Magic Violin
Author: Mayra Calvani
Illustrator: K. C. Snider
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-933090-49-8
Genre: Fiction / Children
The book is about a 8 year old girl Melina and how she regains her confidence that she can indeed learn the violin through some stratagems of her wonderful teacher Andrea.
When Melina starts losing her self-confidence, Andrea disguises herself as an old woman and tells Melina that her violin will become magical. And the child trusts the old woman and regains her confidence, which is of course the real magic.
The story of course only hints at this stratagem of Andrea and thus the children who read will really enjoy the old woman and the midnight magic so beautifully described in the short but sweet story.
The book is printed well, edited well and the illustrations are very appealing.
All in all, an excellent book for gifting to a child in this festive season.
Author: Mayra Calvani
Illustrator: K. C. Snider
Publisher: Guardian Angel Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-933090-49-8
Genre: Fiction / Children
The book is about a 8 year old girl Melina and how she regains her confidence that she can indeed learn the violin through some stratagems of her wonderful teacher Andrea.
When Melina starts losing her self-confidence, Andrea disguises herself as an old woman and tells Melina that her violin will become magical. And the child trusts the old woman and regains her confidence, which is of course the real magic.
The story of course only hints at this stratagem of Andrea and thus the children who read will really enjoy the old woman and the midnight magic so beautifully described in the short but sweet story.
The book is printed well, edited well and the illustrations are very appealing.
All in all, an excellent book for gifting to a child in this festive season.
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