Saturday, March 06, 2010

Title: Riley's Lost Tooth

Author: Dianne Cantrell

Illustrator: Heather Castles

Publisher: Brown Books Publishing Group

ISBN: 978-1933651620

Genre: Fiction / Children

Presentation: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket

I had the opportunity to review Dianne's earlier book, "Good Bye Baby Max" and when the author asked me whether I would be interested in reviewing the present book, I was very happy.

The book is colorfully illustrated and the story is simple but delightful. Riley, a small girl of about 5 years loses her first tooth. When she shares that news with her grandma, the pups in the house get worried and start searching for the lost tooth. A tooth fairy appears and assures them that it is a natural process and Riley will in fact get a regular, permanent tooth in its place.

The story is told in simple sentences and it would be a pleasure for the child to read or for the parents to read. One sample:

“We must find her tooth.
She was here earlier today,
maybe she lost it
when we all went out to play.”

One more excerpt:

No, really,” she said,
“all children lose their teeth.
Permanent ones then grow in
if they don’t eat too many sweets.”

The book is well written and the illustrations are beautiful. The book will definitely appeal to all children (including children at heart like this reviewer) and their parents / grandparents / elder siblings and other care givers.

Strongly recommended as an educational gift.

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