Friday, October 02, 2009

Title: Overpower Pain

Sub-title: Strength-Training Program that Stops Pain without Drugs or Surgery

Author: Mitchell T. Yass, PT

Publisher: Sentient Publications

ISBN: 978-1-59181-075-9

Genre: Non-Fiction / Health

The author is a physiotherapist (physical therapist) and personal trainer. He has helped thousands of patients avoid unnecessary surgery and drugs through strength training. In this book (and through several articles and lectures) he shares his approach to pain relief by physical therapy, strength training (of muscles).

The book is well illustrated with photographs of various exercises that he recommends to overcome specific problems.

When I had a fall in 2006 I was unable to put my weight on my left leg and had to be hospitalised for about 10 days. After x-ray tests established that there was no fracture and after drugs helped with the initial pain management, I had the benefit of seeing first hand how a good physiotherapist can help in rebuilding the range of muscle movements through exercises of the affected muscles. When I was reading this book, I could thus relate very well with the explanations of the author in Chapter

The approach is quite technical at places and some readers may not be able to follow the same but the main part of the book in Chapter 5 that covers the work out sessions (and which is well illustrated) will certainly hold the attention well.

In any case, it is imperative that any such exercise program should be taken up after a thorough evaluation by a physiotherapist (physical therapist) and a qualified training instructor.

The book is a welcome addition to the growing literature on pain management. Readers of this review may also check out

"The Journey to a pain relief - A hands on guide to breakthroughs in pain treatment" by Phyllis Berger

( and

"Painfree 1-2-3" by Dr. Teitelbaum (it disucsses many approaches to pain management).

Contents of the book:



Chapter 1 - Weight Lifting isn't just for Bodybuilders

Chapter 2 - Be Safe, Be Effective, and gain Muscle Strength

Chapter 3 - What it means when you are in pain

The Neck, The Lower Back, The Shoulder, The Elbow, The Wrist, The Hip, The Knee, The Ankle, The Foot are covered in separate sections

Chapter 4 - The golden rules of weight training

Chapter 5 - Enough talk - Let's get to work

Under this he covers The Chest, The Abdominal Group, The Back, Upper Back, Lower Back, Entire Back, Biceps, Forearms, The Thigh, The Calf, The Shoulders, The Triceps

Chapter 6 - Stretch, Don't Strain

Chapter 7 - A workout schedule that works for you




Appendix A

Appendix B


About the Author

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