Monday, May 21, 2007

Title: Dr. Bach’s Flower Remedies
Sub-title: Tapping into the positive emotional qualities of the chakras
Authors: Philip Salmon and Anna Jeoffroy
Publisher: Lotus Publishing, Chichester, UK and North Atlantic Books
Genre: Non-Fiction/ Health/ Alternative Therapies/ Flower Remedies
ISBN-10: 1-55643-640-8
ISBN-13: 978-1556436406
Presentation: Soft cover and high quality art paper.

I requested and received this beautiful book from NAB’s publicist after seeing an excerpt on the net ( a .pdf file) and the printed book is equally good or even better in its get up and print quality. This book combines the wisdom of Dr. Edward Bach whose 38 flower remedies have established an excellent reputation from many users since their inception, with the Chakras of Kundalini and their effect on human mind and emotions. The authors are reflexologists and are also knowledgeable about Flower Remedies and Chakras. The remedies have been grouped into 7 groups corresponding to each chakra, its color and its qualities. I am giving below the table of contents for your ready reference:

1. Edward Bach
2. The Journey of Consciousness Through the Body
3. Chakras and Physical / Emotional / Mental Development
4. Balancing Positive and Negative
5. Crown Chakra and Remedies
6. Brow Chakra and Remedies
7. Throat Chakra and Remedies
8. Heart Chakra and Remedies
9. Solar Plexus Chakra and Remedies
10. Sacral Chakra and Remedies
11. Base Chakra and Remedies
12. Using the Remedies
13. Journal Keeping with the Remedies

Quick Reference to Remedies
Quick Reference to Remedies in Alphabetical Order
Some Suppliers of Remedies, Books, Audio Tapes and Posters
The Bach Remedies and the Chakras

Thus you can see that the book is a good welcome addition to the already extensive literature on Bach Flowers.

Water Violet, Heather and Impatiens are clubbed with Crown Chakra and are especially indicated for Loneliness. Similarly, Chicory, Vervain, Beech, Vine and Rock Water are clubbed with Brow Chakra and are indicated for “Overcare for the welfare of others” and so on. Each chapter has illustrations of the plants and flowers, discussion about the chakra and is followed by detailed discussion of each flower. For each flower, the illustration of the flower, Qualities of the flower, Chakra qualities are given on the left hand page and Positive qualities, Negative state and The Action of the Remedy are given along with the illustration for the chakra and the color on the right hand side page.

This book will be a welcome refresher to students and practioners of Bach Flower Remedies and of course will be a good introduction to the subject of flower remedies for others. Even though, I already knew most of what the authors wrote about the flower remedies, I enjoyed reading the book since it refreshed my knowledge and gave a few new perspectives on some of the remedies. I also enjoyed looking at the beautiful illustrations of the plants and flowers as well as the color indications for various chakras. Being a Hindu well exposed to some esoteric knowledge, I am of course already familiar with chakras and their role in our mental / emotional well-being.

I strongly recommend this book to students and practitioners of alternative medicine. Patients too will benefit if they lack access to a good holistic healer in their areas. I also recommend to such people to also make use of my free online course on Bach Flower Remedies at the following address: